Xpectations!® Prepaid Mastercard®
With the Xpectations! Prepaid Mastercard, you get convenience and security without having to carry cash.
Fees apply to your purchase and use of the Xpectations!® Prepaid Mastercard®. See Cardholder Agreement at www.pls247.com/xpectations for terms and details, including conditions and your obligations related to unauthorized transactions. Card issuance is subject to identity verification. The Xpectations! Prepaid Mastercard is issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. This card can be used everywhere Mastercard debit cards are accepted.
*For every transaction using the Toys for Tots branded Xpectations! Prepaid Mastercard, PLS Check Cashers will donate $0.05 to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Minimum donation of $25,000.
All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. PLS Financial Services, Inc. ©2023
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